
Rolling Hills Gallery

Welsh Equine Enterprises | Gallery | Utopia

Randome photos of our facility, horses, our trainer, staff, and people just having plain fun with horses!

Front(Original part of Barn)

"Rolling Hills" written on side of the barn

Indoor Lighted Arena- one of our horsetrailers

Two of our pastures- all have shelters

Sideview of the barn including the horsewalker
(Left) Third Pasture

12X12 Stall View New Part of Barn

12X12 Stall in new part of barn
(Left)New Stall door Shannyn's Personal Horse "Rumple"
Rumple 5ft Triple Bar Shannyn N Rumple
Shannyn Aboard Rumple Shannyn N Rumple
Shannyn Modeling for Wedding Magazine "Meet Joe Black" Jumper for sale
I had to brag on Carl my friend incase he looks at my page! Love the horse Carl good luck in the US!! :) Carls other kewl horse :) go Carl! Gotta share ure pics ! Love the horses!!
Shannyn Modeling for Wedding Magazine I love taking pics at the Racetrack!!
Gorgeous statue infront of the entrance of Oaklawn Racetrack Stadium seating looking over the racetrack
Beautiful statues fill the inner field of the racetrack The gorgeous fountain at the entrance of the racetrack

Thank you for looking at our photos!